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We care!

The municipality and social welfare services provide support and advice when you need it at different stages of life. Maybe you need support as a parent, relative or child, because you or someone close to you is unwell, or has problems with addiction or finances. Some of our support services are open to everyone. Other services may be relevant after an investigation.

Två kvinnor och en man står i utomhusmiljö.
En upprörd kvinna pratar i telefon.

Family centres

At family centres in Botkyrka you can come in contact with maternity care, child health care, open preschool and social welfare services.

Barn som leker i inomhusmiljö.

Open preschools

The open preschool is a meeting place for you as a parent and for children age 0-5. You can come and go as you please. No pre-registration is required and it is free of charge.

En ung tjej som ser ledsen ut.

Parent meetings

At our parent meetings, you get tips and advice on how you can strengthen the relationship with your child, avoid unnecessary arguments and make everyday life run more smoothly.

En man tittar ut genom ett fönster.

Helpline for children, young persons and families

When you need advice, support and help in your parenting role, you can contact family and parenting support.

Tobacco, alcohol and other drugs – MiniMaria

If you have concerns that someone close to you is drinking, gambling too much or using drugs, you can contact MiniMaria for advice and support. We are there for young persons under the age of 21. We who work here are therapists, nurses and physicians. Parents can also call us at MiniMaria to make an appointment for an assessment of addiction.

Worlds apart – group meetings for children with parents who are not cohabiting

The group meetings within Worlds apart are for children age 7 to 12 years old who have parents who are separated or who have never lived together. The children meet for two hours once a week, 8-10 times. We start off with a meeting where children and parents receive more information about what the following meetings will include.

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Family counselling

Do you as a couple or family have problems in your relationship? Then you can turn to family counselling for support. It is voluntary and you make the call yourself.

Contact us

Adult reception

Phone: 08-530 618 00

Fax: 08-530 205 97

Telephone hours
Monday: 10:00-12:00
Mondays also: 15.00-18.00

Phone number for people with issues relating to addiction/abuse or mental health: 0725-730720


Children's reception

Phone: 08-530 622 55

Fax: 08-531 701 81

Telephone hours
Monday: 8.30-18.00
Tuesday-Thursday: 8.30-16.00
Friday: 8:30-14:00
Closed for lunch 12:00-13:00 all days.

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